🌞 Summer Sale 🌞 20% OFF Everything + 15% EXTRA OFF every second poster - use code: SUMMER

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Sylvia Takken

Sylvia Takken PSTR studio
Sylvia Takken is a Dutch illustrator and designer based in Breda, The Netherlands.
In addition to her commissioned work she started her own brand by-ST, artworks
with an emphasis on her love for form and color. by-ST artworks are inspired by nature and all the other simple things around us. The artworks are handmade with watercolor, ink, acrylic or cut-outs in combination with digital techniques.

Instagram: @sylviatakken
432 kr Regular price 539 kr
432 kr Regular price 539 kr
432 kr Regular price 539 kr
432 kr Regular price 539 kr
432 kr Regular price 539 kr
432 kr Regular price 539 kr
432 kr Regular price 539 kr
432 kr Regular price 539 kr